Deaf's Got Talent Kick off - Get to Know Melissa Yingst

Entries are closed, and our Judge and former Host Melissa is ready for all the talent you’ve got! Stay tuned for our 1st Round.

Video Description: (Golden sparkles gather into a circle to show golden Deaf’s Got Talent logo with “2nd Annual”. Melissa Yingst, Melissa Yingst, a brown skinned Latina, with her brown hair parted in a wavy style⁠ signs in front of a white wall with a canvas of a peacock feather. At (she/hers) IG: @Melmira.) Hola! I’m Melissa Elmira Yingst (name sign), she/hers pronouns. You might know me as host of the Melmira show. I’m also very involved with our communities, always uplifting other deaf people. I’m so looking forward to this competition! Why? To see so much different talents. I had so much fun last year being the host, and now I’m excited to switch roles and be a Judge. I know it’s a tough job for sure, but I can’t wait! Cheers!

(Closing credit: Deaf’s Got Talent logo, “” and FB, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube logos. At bottom, “Beneficiary Organization:” with GLAD logo)

Views: 135